Smartphones…The Evolution and the Battle to the Top !

There was a time when mobile phones were used just to make a calls or send messages or to listen music and having to have the radio feature was such an augmented thing among the mobile devices that time.

Soon, camera phones began to grab all the limelight!

From being heavy hardware instruments to small in size to bigger in size and light in weight, the mobile devices had a paradigm shift.

Smartphone Evolution
Source: Google

Earlier, having a bigger phone was such a gimmick but if we talk about the latest trends, having to have a bigger mobile is such a norm. I mean if you guys have seen the latest offering from Apple which is the iPhone 6 and the 6+, the size of the phone is around 5.5 inches and now even Samsung is launching its new flagship which will be around 5.7 inches to 5.8 inches.

But what is the factor that is actually driving these companies? Is it the hardware or the applications that are available in the Mobile App Market?  Or the Software that these companies has to offer with their Smartphones?

Well, the answer is simple, it is the hardware that these companies offers actually makes most of the impact, and if we talk about the apps that these companies have in their market place is something which is nearly the same, since the apps are developed by the developers and the programmers and not actually by these companies themselves ! So the apps has a very low edge of being the contributor to the sales of these devices.

Talking about the iPhone users, these are the ones who once use the device has a very low tendency of shifting to an android or other OS. And also the branding which is associated with Apple is too strong that once you buy an Apple, you tend to buy Apple only be it any device! (Chances are very high!)

And if we talk about Samsung, than Samsung too is becoming strong as the market share that was once associated with HTC, Motorola is now shifting towards Samsung! But does Samsung has to look Apple as its only competitor or try to compete head on with Apple?

Samsung vs Apple
Source: Google
 I think Samsung should start thinking about brands like Xiaomi and Lenovo, as these are the brands which are becoming more popular next to Apple, and these are the prime competitors of Samsung of which Samsung should be thinking about first than to go head on head with Apple.

Samsung vs Xiaomi
Source: Google

But eventually, it is all uncertain! Who knows there might be a brand who can actually rule the Smartphone market in the future as once done by Nokia.

At the end of the day, it is the technology that drives everything.

So that’s that for today! See you around. Stay Digital and keep sharing!

Ravi Agarwal


  1. Looking forward to read more of your blogs.
    All the best !


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