#Hashtags : The Next Thing !

From posting pictures on Instagram to tweeting about something on twitter not to mention while posting something on Facebook, We use something which is called as #Hashtags, while some of you may not be knowing about this while others may be using this right now. Talking about me, I make the most of using hashtags.

Hashtags are such a noticeable piece of tech culture today (it is making an impact that too for a big time) that it’s not so common to discover any individual who does not realize what they are. Everyone who does spends time on the net be it social media or blogs or anything else, they must have seen a hashtag. And then the hashtags is actually given so much of recognition that it was added to the Oxford Dictionary in the year 2010 and is also added to the Scrabble Dictionary recently. Yet even as the vast majority now know what hashtags are, there are still individuals who do not know how to make use of the Hashtags.

Source: Google
Hashtags, Once your phone only symbol that you used only while having a conversation with the call centre especially when that pathetic automated sound used to come, “Press # to go back to the previous menu” (:) :P ), but if you talk now, the Hashtag has become the most influencing and a famous method for sorting substance on social media. It makes your own substance discoverable and also permits you to discover significant content from other people and channels. The hashtag also allows you to connect and engage with other social media users based on a common theme or interest.

Knowing how to use hashtags is fundamental to your success on social media.
-       Do be specific when using hashtags:
Try and hone in on a passionate community that shares an interest in one specific theme. The more specific you can get with your hashtags, the more targeted your audiences will be.
-       Do come up with relevant, unbranded hashtags
-       Don’t go too longer or too clever
-       Don’t have more hashtags than words
-       And, do not hashtag everything

Keeping in mind the mentioned tips will surely help you understand as how can you include hashtags in your digital life and how can you actually target your views, post and pictures to a more targeted audiences who knows as you might be able to target a niche segment that might be actually interested in your posts.

I will share my understandings further as I am digging more into stuffs like these. Till then enjoy your digital life.

So that’s that for now, will see you while having some digital musings myself.



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