Are we still is an era of Traditional Analytics?

Source: Google
Being a digital marketer myself, monitoring the campaigns performance is a usual and a daily deal and then you have those clients shouting all the time, bawling over the conversions and for those needed website traffic. But believe you me creating a well-structured campaign is not all or optimizing the campaigns once is not all but it is actually a continuous process, you have to be drowned into the reports and those metrics and dimensions of the web analytics tools, be it Page views, Bounce rate, Sessions, Page view/Session and etc. But the thing is being the KPIs these metrics are becoming more traditional approach of analysing the website performance as to perform better and to put in that extra effort you have to start thinking out of the box.

Source: Google
We all have being living in this Web Analytic world for quite some time now, and then there are marketers and practitioners who actually do all the thinking’s , analyzing and stuffs like that. Yet the companies now a days are quite depressed and frustrated on their abilities and expertise of understanding the data and take decisions out of them. Now, if you ask me what is this web analytics and how actually it looks like? Then I would say if you are one of those like me who measure the following then you know what web analytics is all about.

-         Page views
-         Path Analysis
-         Track Clicks
-         Visitors (Unique/Returning)
-         Landing/Exit pages
-        Average time on site
-        Website loading time

These indicators are given a name “KPIs” (Key Performance Indicators), and the core outcome of measuring this is that we can take very little action and they are distracting us from focusing on those needed KPIs and driving change of our customers.

You all must agree that today, we are living in more, heading towards a world which is highly based on the Insights, data trends, well I will call it Web Insights. In the world of trends and insights we do not simply measure KPIs but rather we do KIAs (Key Insight Analysis), which are like

-          Multi-Channel Value Impact
-          Visitors Purpose to visit a site
-          Segment visitor Trends
-          Cohort Analysis
-          Click Density analysis

You live in a world of Web insights when you actually realise that every piece of information, data you look at, drives the decision making process which actually contributes to the performance that is needed by the companies and what they are actually trying to achieve.

Looking for these potential KIA’s do need time to understand and analyse but once you know the Key insights that can actually drive your decision process than you can gain a long term advantage over your competitors.

So, that’s that for today, will elaborate the KIAs further after I dig more into this stuff.



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